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Frequently Asked Questions
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Cross-OS Development Platform
What is OS Abstractor and Cross OS Development Platform?
What value does Cross-OS Development Platform provide?
How does the OS changer abstraction layer works? Is it VM? Does HW support needed?
See all 41 articles »
OS Changer Porting Kit
What value does OS Changer provide?
Why not do a port myself?
Why don’t I use my new OS vendor’s porting kit?
See all 6 articles »
Could you please explain about Ada-C/C++ Changer Tool Tuning?
Which programs or projects Mapusoft has worked on for the DoD in the past?
Software Modernization based on AI versus Ada-Changer, a comparison?
See all 81 articles »
What value does AppCOE provide?
Why should I develop on a host instead of the target platform?
Why should I use a unified architecture for development?
See all 7 articles »
Linux OK
Why use POSIX Interface on a POSIX based OS?
OS Abstractor
What is OS Abstractor and Cross OS Development Platform?
Can I start developing my application with the OS Abstractor APIs without a RTOS?
Why not use an in-house abstraction?
See all 48 articles »
RTOS Simulator
What simulators are available from Mapusoft?
How is MapuSoft’s RTOS Simulator different from that of that of an OS Vendor Solution?
Cross-OS Hypervisor
How is MapuSoft’s Cross-OS Hypervisor performance better than other hypervisor Solutions ?
About MapuSoft
What value does MapuSoft provide?
Why don’t I hire a consulting company to make a porting kit or abstraction layer?
Why don’t I use an open source porting kit or abstraction layer?
See all 11 articles »
MapuSoft Services
Where can I find the latest release notes?
What operating systems do you support?
You don’t appear to support my operating system. Can you still help me?
See all 11 articles »