There are six components of Ada-C/C++ Changer:
- AdaCgen - Ada compiler which automatically compiles all user-registered Ada source and generates interim optimized C files, then the compiler will go through the optimized C files and convert them to readable/maintainable C source.
- AdaBgen - Ada builder/linker generates final executables by first automatically compiling required files (using AdaCgen) and then linking all the compiled modules to generate the executables
- Adareg - helper utility that will allow users to register all the Ada source for conversion
- Lister - helper utility that will generate cross-reference listings
- Adaopts - helper utility to set the Ada compiler/linker configuration options
- RTL - ‘C’ run-time modules that provides I/O, tasking, exception handling, and memory management modules which are normally required by Ada language for the ‘C’ converted code base
Hema Shankar