MapuSoft AppCOE IDE is an eclipse based IDE embedded with RTOS libraries and header. The benfits are :
a. Help to develop RTOS applications using the RTOS apis, where the api libraries and the headers are being embedded with the IDE.
b. Help to import any out-dated and legacy RTOS applications so as to do porting the RTOS applications to latest or other RTOS environment.
c. The IDE provides the magic RTOS source files of your generated RTOS applications to build RTOS applications on any IDE on any platform. It is the features of full code optimization and optimized code generation for any specific target platform and architecture.
d. MapuSoft provides standard RTOS apis kernel source code for any specific RTOS or non-RTOS platform so as to compile and run on any terminal or IDE to avail the RTOS functionality.
e. AppCOE helps to upload pal file to generate the timing graph of system apis or user-defined apis of their call while running the application. It helps to generate the timing report of each apis to understand the best , average and worst cpu usage.
Soumya samal