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Yes. Think of Ada-C/C++ Changer just like a validated Ada95 compiler. It handles the full language, and generated C/C++ code that does precisely what the Ada program did....
Not really. The config file may need to be adjusted to match the target computer, for example if the target has a 64-bit address, or uses a big-endian (as opposed to a little-endian) word representati...
We generally don't know what compilers the customers were using. The key thing is that you will need to have full access to all of the Ada source code, including that supplied by the compiler vendor, ...
Ada-C/C++ Changer accepts Ada83 code as is and does not require the code to be converted to Ada95...
They are not independently certified. It has been in use with various applications that require certifications. We will assist our customers with the certification process of the application combined/...
Yes, this is copied from the rts_path file. So you will need to delete the ADA.LIB and rerun after fixing the rts_path file....
Yes, this needs to be edited, as explained in the Ada_Magic_Install.txt file, so that it refers to the “rtl” subdirectory of the installation directory....
Because the translation to C is done at the “semantic” level rather than at the simple “syntax” level, we need to be able to “compile” the source that we are going to translate. So that means that we ...
The Ada standard identifies 200 characters as the line length that an implementation must support (see Ada RM 2.2(15)). We can alter this if you choose to order the product, but for evaluation purpose...
Ada-C/C++ Changer is very portable because the Ada-C/C++ Changer RTS relies mostly on the standard C run-time. However, it isn’t truly “real time” because it uses C “setjmp/longjmp” to accomplish mult...